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YOGAFIT – A journey of self-discovery

Writer's picture: #pelvicroar#pelvicroar

Adore Your Pelvic Floor On Tour

This past 9 months have been one of the most positively transformational of my life to date.

In 2010 I had a total breakdown when I was forced to face the rape that happened to me in 1995 when I was 15. After 4 months being suicidal and 9 months in the Priory I learned how to rebuild my life. I think of my recovery being like passing my driving test. The Priory saved my life, gave me the tools I needed. I learned how to, rhetorically speaking, pass my test during treatment and how to really live, and to drive properly afterwards.

The ‘learning to drive’ was and incredible journey. I overcame the heartbreak of what happened to me and most importantly found some acceptance. I learnt how to rally face my demons and get honest with myself about raw feelings that came up.

My husband is my rock. Together we learned what marriage really is. It’s constant communication. Saying the ugly things we don’t want to admit to anyone. It’s loving someone unconditionally. Our sex life was non-existent for a long time whilst I was ill and processing what happened. He felt broken and unloved as I was unable to give anything back at the time. Almost as tough for him as it was for me. Marriage is staying even through when you want to run. I will forever be grateful to him for the love he shows me every day. We’ve worked hard together to get through it and have the most incredible marriage in every possible way now. He’s quite a man, and I’m a very lucky girl.

During this time I retrained as a Personal Trainer and built a business where I help women become their best self. I work with them on becoming fitter in mind and body. Because I work online as well as face to face I’ve been able to help women all over the world. I know what a difference exercise and good nutrition makes to your mental health and how being confident in your body massively impacts your life. It’s because of what happened to me.

I had the incredible opportunity to join the YogaFit Retreats team who host Yoga and fitness retreats in Ibiza, where they take over a hotel overlooking the sea for a week of magical fitness fun.

Back in December last year after struggling with a calf pain for years, and seeing lots of therapists, I was diagnosed with a herniated disk in my lower back. I was advised to stop weight training for at least three months, and take up Yoga. I’d been a serious gym goer and competitive body builder for 5 years. Initially I was really upset when I was told to stop. I wanted to do proper exercise and something that would really make a difference to me … I really had the wrong Idea about Yoga! It was actually a turn of fate.

I started at home following Yoga with Adrienne’s YouTube channel. I did her 30 days beginners program, and was hooked within two weeks! My body felt a ton better and my mind felt calmer. Within six weeks I’d booked to do a course with GXT training. The best dates for the course to fit with the children happened to mean travelling to Ibiza for a week ... I could cope with that!

The course was being held within the YogaFit retreat in April. I was excited but nervous to be going on my own. On arrival I couldn’t have been made to feel more welcome, and the hotel was stunning. I could feel the high vibration from my fellow Yogi’s, which was infectious. As part of the course we were able to join in the fitness and Yoga classes and workshops that were on outside of our classroom time. There was a huge selection so we got a full immersion. It was incredibly transformative. I finally found that after years of struggling, I’d really come back to who I fundamentally was.

Throughout the week I kept bumping in to a lovely lady, the kind you instantly want to be your friend. It wasn’t until half way through I realised she was Lindsay Jay, the founder of the retreat. A powerhouse of a woman with a beautiful vision to make the retreat accessible to as many people as possible, so they can feel loved, and have time to connect back to themselves. I felt we had a real connection and was beyond thrilled when after hearing my story she asked me to join her team at the October retreat! On the 14th October I travelled to Ibiza as a level 4 Yoga teacher and had the absolute privilege to spend the week teaching with the top instructors from across the globe.

At YogaFit there is every kind of Yoga you can imagine, dance and fitness classes, workshops and talks. There are about 22 classes per day so you can completely tailor your holiday for the experience you want to have. From Sunrise Yoga looking out to sea to bedtime meditation, classes run from 7.30am to 10pm.

Unlike other Yoga retreats you don’t have to spend the week juicing and eating Vegan. The hotel is all inclusive and caters for every taste and diet, and has a fully licensed bar.

Throughout the week I got to take some ladies to the goddess caves with Lindsay Courtney from intimate health Yoga in the UK as Sarah Fakhi, another powerhouse of a woman on the same mission as us: to get women embracing their bodies and personal power. I had many sessions which were all linked beautifully around freeing emotions, embracing feminine energy and empowerment.

I gave a talk called Hope & Freedom: my story on how I went from being suicidal, to living my best life ever. I hope to inspire others to keep going when times are dark, open conversations about sexual assault or other traumas, and show there’s hope when you feel it’s lost. I held a

sharing circle each evening, being such a transformative week it gives people the chance to talk about anything coming up for them.

I also taught Sacral Yoga on the beach. Your Sacral Chakra is the 2nd Chakra and is between the pelvic bone and belly button. It’s where we hold a lot of emotion, and linked witeh passion, creativity and sensuality. Physically it’s linked to ovaries, and sits in the pelvic bowl. It was a great link to my workshop on the pelvic floor. The picture of me teaching on the beach captured the moment of total overwhelming gratitude for this moment in time.

My Adore Your Floor workshop was held overlooking the sea in the lovely marina. I took Polly the pelvis along for the holiday too! With the pelvic floor being such a complex issue I knew I was going to have to scale things down enough, but also give the best possible info within the hour I had.

I went over the course and picked out the fundamentals. Explanation of the pelvis, and how it links in with the rest of the body ... this bit was a real eye opener for people. So many think it’s just one muscle, so that really helped them understand how pelvic dysfunctions can happen. Then we covered some of the common problems and symptoms, before working through four basic exercises; getting them to recruit the muscles properly, and working on both the endurance and power exercises to help with urge and stress incontinence.

The first time I had a guy in my class I was a bit nervous about it, but he really got it, and found it really helpful. I know that it’s the same for men and women, but it’s good to hear that direct from a man too. I had 15 people in my Adore Your Pelvic Floor class including Courtney from Intimate health Yoga, check her out on Instagram she does great posts! (She held a fab workshop on Orgasms which I’m hoping to bring to the UK, so watch out for that).

I was really pleased with Courtney’s feedback on the workshop, being a superstar in the same profession. Everyone thought it was a brilliant workshop, and was really informative and helpful with plenty to go away and work on. Feedback from the participants was also brilliant,, and every single person went away learning something new that would help them. I gave them a worksheet to go away with so they could recap the info. What I could offer in one hour undoubtedly would be helpful but the full Adore Your Floor Course offers so much more so I’m really hopeful that they will be in contact with one of their local Adore Your Floor Coaches, so they can have the benefit of the full course.

I'm going to take this opportunity to also mention that throughout the country there are Specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapists who are available to give a clinical assessment and treat women and men in any complex issues. Here is the link to contact POGP to find one near to you...

Over all I just had the best experience. It was truly incredible! There were just soooo many highlights from then. Teaching my sessions and standing up in front of people can be a little scary, but knowing that the information you’re sharing can have such a huge impact on someone’s life is an absolute privilege, and something I’ll never take for granted.

I can speak from both the participant and instructors view when I say the YogaFit retreats are life changing and transformational in the most positive way. There really is something for everyone. I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to become one of their team. I've found my tribe, and it’s given me a faith and belief, and more confidence in my ability to help people than ever before. A place, and feeling, of belonging.

If you’re interested in attending a retreat you can go anywhere from 3-7 days. I recommend a minimum of 4 days as there’s just so much to enjoy. They are held in Ibiza in April and October and are roughly £110 per night at an all-inclusive 4* hotel with all the classes included so AMAZING VALUE!

You can use my discount code YOGAFIT&FAB to get a discount at check out and can secure your space for 2019 with just a deposit.

I’d get in quick though, spaces sell out fast! The October retreat was sold out with a 200 strong waiting list 4 months before the actual event. A testament to the amazing event that it is.


Nikki Wetherell

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