Menopause is finally becoming a popular topic in social media circles - there is a mass of information out there and lots of determined women working hard to improve awareness of the symptoms commonly associated with this time of life. Elaine (who lives in Edinburgh) happened to be staying with me in June for a weekend, coinciding with an interesting sounding meeting on the menopause close to my house in South London. We decided to splash out £25 each and go....not only is it relevant to us professionally but it is also time for me to learn more about dealing with the phenomenally annoying symptoms that I am starting to experience!
So - what do you get for a morning of your time and £25?
Firstly, the venue was stunning (Bell House in Dulwich), with beautiful gardens on a summery day. The welcome was genuine and friendly, with excellent food and drinks (including delicious and healthy options). We chatted to Christien Bird, the specialist pelvic health physio who was one of the speakers, although we did stress her out a little when she realised two of her colleagues were going to be n the audience!
First was a talk by Jackie Lynch of www.well-well-well.co.uk . Jackie is an excellent nutritionist who was interesting, enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable. We learnt a huge amount from her and some of her tips, such as managing your blood sugar levels by adding protein to every meal (cashew nut butter on toast is a winner for me) has transformed how well I have felt in the last month. I hadn't realised how grotty I was feeling and to feel in control of reversing this has been amazing.
After a break with more delicious treats was Christien from www.whitehartclinic.co.uk - clearly we were likely to learn a little less here as we are both pelvic health physiotherapists but it was wonderful to see one of our esteemed peers doing such a fantastic job at spreading the knowledge on pelvic floor health and how to prevent and manage a variety of symptoms.
There was even a goody bag with top quality treats including specialist tea, healthy snacks, bath oil and a week's supply of excellent supplements.
We were genuinely impressed at the high quality of the information, the organisation, value for money, friendliness and positive atmosphere. This is a team to watch out for and we would encourage you to attend one of their meetings if you want support and information on the menopause,
#pelvicroar are looking forward to collaborating with HotFlush in the future and helping to spread a positive menopause message...