
6 week check
We all understand that the six week post-natal check is a challenge for healthcare professionals and new mothers, because:
GPs and other clinicians are strapped for time.
New mothers are often more concerned with their baby than themselves.
It can be very difficult to ask, as well as answer, questions around incontinence and sexual health.
NHS England are working to improve the number and quality of six-week checks. However, this will take time. Pelvicroar would love to see every new mum receive a pelvic health assessment by pelvic health physiotherapists too. However, we know that there are not enough specialist pelvic health physiotherapists to see every new mum.
Pelvicroar, led by Marie Fell, have been thinking of how we can best serve new mums as well as healthcare professionals. We are piloting a simple and quick questionnaire that can be a first-line assessment tool to signpost women to appropriate services, advice and support.
Scroll down for useful links and services!
thinking outside the box.
post-natal screening tool
Try our short questionnaire.
If you tick any of the boxes, we recommend that you get some expert advice to help resolve any issues.
There will soon be more resources and links on this page, including how to find a specialist physiotherapist.
You might like to print out this questionnaire and take the completed copy to your healthcare professional. It may make starting the conversation easier!
other resources & links
pelvic floor exercises

find a specialist pelvic health physio

mummy MOT practitioners

leaflets from the pelvic, obstetric and gynaecological physiotherapy association (POGP)
Fit and Safe: Exercise in the Childbearing Year
Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises (for women)
Exercise and Advice After Pregnancy
Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain for mothers to be and new mothers.
More booklets are available at
adore your pelvic floor – fitness professionals
Online and face-to-face support with post-natal rehab

support for anal sphincter injuries

mental health support

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

returning to post-natal running

supportive sportswear